
Jake Gyllenhaal takes gay rumors as a compliment, is turned on by t-ts & ass

Back in the day, I used to watch a lot of Bravo. They used to do marathons on Inside the Actors Studio and the did some really great Independent Lens-type documentaries. Nowadays, Bravo is where bad weaves go to die and where Andy Cohen has created some kind of empire out of those dead, dead weaves. What I’m trying to say is that I can’t even remember the last time I watched an episode of Inside the Actors Studio, but it’s been years. Instead of showing ITAS in reruns, they just do Real Housewives marathons and who really gives a crap about that? So, Jake Gyllenhaal is going to have an Actors Studio episode in the new season, and Bravo has sent out some teaser quotes – Jake on Heath Ledger, and Jake on the gay rumors.

“Heath and I knew each other for years before that because we had both auditioned for Moulin Rouge together,” Gyllenhaal says. After experiencing Ledger’s brash, loose sense of humor in person, “I remember thinking, ‘I like this guy.’ He’s just like, super lovable,” Gyllenhaal recalls. He later admits Ledger’s death hit him extremely hard: “It felt like losing a family member, and it still does to this day.”

Gyllenhaal also addresses the gay rumors that came following Brokeback, but he says he wasn’t rattled. (That portion of the interview will be featured in the full episode.) In fact, “It’s a huge compliment,” he says. And as for what turns him on, Jake says his tastes are simple: “Tits and ass.”

[From Bravo]

“It’s a huge compliment.” Eh? I mean, I get that “being flattered” and “taking it as a compliment” is the new go-to answer to the “gay rumors” question, but it feels too cute by half in Jake’s case. Especially since he “butched it up” with the “t-ts and ass” answer. Do you think Jake likes boobs? I have no idea at this point. My only explanation for what Jake does to my gaydar is that he might be bisexual? I think that’s a solid possibility. It could be that he’s genuinely turned on by t-ts, ass AND dong.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Tisa Delillo

Update: 2024-05-16