
Stop criticizing Tom Brady for kissing his son on the lips, for the love of God

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I will criticize Tom Brady for so many things. I will criticize him for being a ball-deflating cheater. I will criticize him for being an idiot who believes in junk science. I will criticize him for his bullsh-t thoughts on concussions in football. I will criticize him for partying in Las Vegas with Ben Affleck and the nanny. But one thing I cannot criticize is the fact that Tom Brady loves his children. Tom came from a close, loving family. Gisele Bundchen came from a close, loving family. They adore their children and they are hands-on parents who prioritize their family. I always think Tom is like David Beckham in that way – even if those kids think their dads are super-uncool, Tom and Becks are still going to shower their kids with hugs and kisses. So why is it a big deal that Tom and his son Jack kiss each other on the lips? Hint: it is not a big deal.

This controversy arose because Tom took part in a Facebook docu-series called Tom vs. Time, which aired ahead of this Sunday’s Super Bowl. In the docu-series, Tom is seen on a massage table, being worked on, when Jack comes in to talk to his dad about his fantasy football team. Tom asks Jack playfully, “What do I get?” Jack gives his dad a quick kiss and Tom says that: “That was like a peck.” Jack comes back and gives his dad another kiss. Here’s the clip:

Nothing to see here, just Tom Brady locking lips with his son pic.twitter.com/gv4ysjLfs9

— Laces Out (@LacesOutShow) February 1, 2018

In all of the conversations that we, as a society, have been having about toxic masculinity and what boys are taught and the learned behavior of men, WHY are people making a big deal about this? This is a father and son who clearly adore each other and Tom likely just wants to be affectionate with his kids while they’re still little, before they push him away because he’s so uncool. The people upset about this are the ones upholding toxic masculinity, this idea that a father and son shouldn’t have a warm, affectionate relationship because they’re men and men showing affection is “girly” or “gay.” Stop it.

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Valeria Galgano

Update: 2024-05-16